It isnt daily that u have strange wishes, but today i wished i cud just freeze time n live in that moment for all eternity.......stopping time??? do i sound ridiculous, for starters it may sound wierd.......but i dont give a damn for wat u think :P
Its like only some days u tend to see people whom u think are special, u may even feel y some people are unimaginably gorgeous, well today its my chance to express wat unimaginable beauty actually means!!!
Today was just like any day, walking out of the library cursing my college for being strict.......i saw her, walking straight in my direction......she was the most beautiful person i ve seen :) felt like freezing time, to live in that moment forever.......but i cudnt,
for all i knew is that. I was there, walking out......suddenly she comes towards me, n it feels like time just slowed down, and my pulse raising n i cud hear each heart beat more profound than the previous......wat is this feeling??? suddenly i feel all alert n i cud hear even the silly comments my friend's making on some odd passer-by........is this the effect of some stupid combination of hormones playing within me ???? well as far i heard, its adrenalin......a hormone which makes u very alert at times of trouble and rises ur heart beat.......let all the biological crap be damned :P
i dont wanna bluff saying she was a blond angel. Her hair was black, jus like mine and my friend next to me........it wasnt straightened like the movie heroines have, it was just the usual, slightly wavy hair. Let loose freely, i should say, she had really nice long hair.....it was glossy in the afternoon sun :D
Even her face, with all the symmetry, least comparable with anything else i ve ever seen......i would call it the prefect symmetry.....her face was oval in shape n she was lil thin, which made her look taller than she actually was :) She had a friend with her, i think they are best buddies......well when she passed by, all eyes were on her.....n u always notice this in beautiful people, it is like they never notice the people around them......actually it kinda makes them special, but actually they secretly notice each n every guy who looks at them......
As for this girl, she even was making others feel the same, like she had a nice rapport with her friend(just to avoid eye contact:) As i said she was talking to her friend, n so naturally people tend to see her lips, but tht can be avoided. she did avoid it, by using her hands as a distraction, she was drawing different shapes in the air to her friend.......my guesses are she was jus talking crap, but dont have a clue of wat others might have thought :P

The one thing i hate about time is that, it passes very quickly when u actually need it......like when ur waiting outside the exam hall making last minute revision or when ur with a person of ur dreams;)
I just saw her for a few seconds, like a flash she passed by me......wish i had seen her face even better, wish i had a few more seconds.....sulking with my sorrows in my own world, suddenly someone calling kiran.....kiran
well it was my mom, with an angry look on her face......
she started scolding, wake up time is 7 am.....its getting late, u ll be late today 4 sure......yup, it did happen, i was late to class :(
"Dream dreams because dreams lead to thought and thought lead to action."
so did it happen or no? :O ahaha.
Ahaha Ending Was Funny Ra.
Btw, this is anusha okai na.
hmmm...vry descriptive ..so u hv concluded it as a dreamm...ummm
i would have really enjoyed it if it were exam time and this wasnt a dream!!
hmmmm kittu....
how many times did this incident happen in ur life??:p
the blog was really gud..........temme.........did dis any time happen to u??
dissapointed it was just a dream.......think itz d same wid u!!!!!
I wish the same.. I wish I can freeze time.. I wish I can disappear..
Good narrating style.. keep it up..
BTW the same situation happened to me.. but definitely not a dream.. :P
welll.... u really wanted to freeze time didnt u??
poor thing...dont worry ...i ll pray to god that u ll never get such girl in ur life..that u ll ever want to freeze time again.. :P
but the blog was funny..
gud one keep it up
hmmm...!! gud narration da.. i accept tat u have improved ur english on a massive scale.. hats off..!! and u have completed it as a dream uh?? lol.. i guess i know wat it was...! actually ending it as a dream was a gud one.. it made the essence to live.. :) well,[i got this word as a part of my slangue cause of u..! :x ;)]i guess u can start writing some gud story of.. something of ur own.. it ll surely make some gud business.. ofcourse i need royalty as i was the first one to suggest.. :p keep the gud work going on!!
Fabulous da!!! Happy that one guy has done some useful thing cos of me ..lol..
hmmm...nice narration ....cool keep it up...n is dat a dream or u narrated it as ur dream...:p
hi kiran. that was a cute blog..lol..and reading ur comments, i come to know that it must hav defenitely happened in real and not a dream. anyways, the way u've described is really cool and catchy..it happens to everyone rite..nice blog.
i never thought so many wud ask questions lik this 4 my fascinations.....but still ur questions and doubts are always welcome :)
hmmm...nice narration...gud..keep it up;)ending it was funny..hehe..:p
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